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What problems should be paid attention to when using nitrogen production equipment?

2020-11-05 H:51:20

Nitrogen production equipment usually uses compressed air as raw material, and uses a high-performance adsorbent called carbon molecular sieve to selectively adsorb nitrogen, and directly produce nitrogen. Two parallel absorbers are usually used in PSA nitrogen making machine. The PLC program controller controls the opening and closing of pneumatic valve, alternately performs pressure adsorption and pressure reduction regeneration operation, continuously supplies raw air and continuously produces. What problems should be paid attention to when using nitrogen production equipment?

Nitrogen production equipment manufacturing

1. Regularly check the reliability of safety facilities.

2. Remove all pressure components to ensure that the entire system is free of pressure.

3. Maintenance of nitrogen plant must be carried out in case of shutdown or power failure.

4. When the nitrogen unit is started, the exhaust valve shall be empty to avoid overpressure of the air compressor.     

5. Nitrogen plant needs to be shipped in sections. During transportation, the equipment shall be stable and collision is strictly prohibited.

6. Before operating nitrogen plant, hose opening must be fixed to prevent hose from hurting people.

7. Welding operations shall not be carried out near the oil system. It is impossible to modify any pressure vessel by welding or other means.

8. Before starting, the entire nitrogen machine should be carefully checked to ensure that there are no tools, components or other items in the air compressor.
